Business Applications

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Digitalize & Optimize

Your Business

Digital transformation, new business models and process optimizations are constantly increasing the requirements for business IT solutions. Custom-Tailored Business Applications support your business and take into account the individuality of your requirements.

Enterprise Applications

Modern software requires a special architecture to ensure scalability, security and maintainability. We have been developing business critical applications based on modern technologies, design patterns, best practices and current methods for more than 10 years.

Individual Features
custom-tailored implementation of features and processes to reflect your business processes
Application Integration
powerful data sharing capabilities via interfaces allow a smooth integration in the existing IT ecosystem and ensure the possibilities for data analytics and the connectivity to other legacy systems
Security & Compliance
Custom design
design the application to match your CI

Mobile Applications

The past decade the usage of technology has changed significantly and mobile apps have become a major part to allow users to do their work, shopping and entertainment from wherever they are.

Progressive Web Applications
Progressive Web Applications are a simple way to enrich your websites with capabilities for mobile usage. Installable on your mobile device without the huddle of App Stores, offline capable and responsive to suit on every screensize.
Cross Platform Development
Cross Platform Development Frameworks provide a platform to build fast apps with a small footprint and access to native device features like push notifications, camera, geolocation, bluetooth, etc. Depending on your requirements we use Ionic, Flutter, React Native or similar frameworks to build your app.
Native Development
To get the maximum performance from your end device without any compromises native development is the only option.

Databases and Data Lakes

Choosing and implementing the right database depends heavily on your requirements and is an essential foundation for a high-performance, scalable and secure software landscape.

Relational databases
Classic relational databases have proven themselves for efficient data storage of highly structured data. As an independent integrator, we provide you with vendor-independent support during implementation.
NoSQL databases
Where rational databases are increasingly reaching their limits in today's world, NoSQL databases provide a remedy. They offer more flexibility and better scalability and are more suitable for storing unstructured data.
Data Lakes
To build a sustainable base for data driven decisions, improve your data quality and democratize data a data lake is often the best choice.


Since Google and the omnipresent smartphone, search is often the killer criterion for the success of a digital offering. Finding the right information at the right time, in the right context and in a relevant concentration is certainly one of the greatest challenges of our time. It is mainly about finding data of any kind correctly and quickly. Our solutions are mostly based on technologies like MarkLogic or Elastic Search (ELK stack). By applying modern methods and algorithms, highly precise searches across data silos and languages can be implemented

Linguistics (Linguistics (stemming, compound decomposition, etc.)
Similarity (word distances, metaphors etc.)

Among others, we work with ...


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We’ve spent more than 20 years helping some of the largest corporations as well as the more modest-sized organizations optimize their content structures and their publishing processes. Let our publishing technology solutions and industry expertise help you too!

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