Cloud / DevOps

Road 2 Cloud

Most companies today know about the benefits of cloud computing to be more flexible and resilient as well as cutting time-to-market with cloud and DevOps. But that doesn't mean that the move to the cloud is easy or straightforward. Be it lift & shift, app modernization or full cloud native - we help our customers to get the most out of the cloud while optimizing costs.

Cloud Governance

The road to cloud often starts with some administrators or even developers having access to the cloud and everyone starts to create resources. Some months later you have costs for resources you didn't know you had and security breaches. Governance should be started right from the beginning of your journey to the cloud and we are here to help you with

design the infrastructure with maximum security in the mind
Auditing and Cost-Control
always know what happens and where your money flows
Roles and IAM
have your staffing with the important roles for cloud and streamline your IAM topics
Operations setup
be ready to operate your cloud infrastructure
Speed Up Your Time-To-Market And Deployment Cycles

DevOps And CI/CD

The traditional areas of software development (DEVelopment) and system administration (OPerations) are merging more and more to meet the requirements of automation, self-service or agility. From this convergence, the DevOps were born. DevOps is not a technology or single pattern, but a philosophy that is incorporated into the application lifecycle from start to end. Whether the topic is continuous development, continuous integration, platform as a service, or infrastructure as a code, our experienced team of specialists not only helps you select the right tools, but also helps you integrate and run the required services and applications.

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We’ve spent more than 20 years helping some of the largest corporations as well as the more modest-sized organizations optimize their content structures and their publishing processes. Let our publishing technology solutions and industry expertise help you too!

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